Composer is an essential tool for dependency management in modern PHP projects. One of its most powerful features…
Refactoring PHP7 to PHP8. Major changes and examples
PHP8 has brought along several significant changes that can impact code written in earlier versions like PHP7. Refactoring…
Get WooCommerce orders info from $order object
Sometimes we need to get information about an order and Woocommerce gives us many available methods for this…
Whatsapp button without plugins to Woocommerce
Whatsapp button is searched by many people and on many occasions, they use a plugin for this purpose….
Customize Tax on Woocommerce
Customize tax on Woocommerce in a simple way, correct and that it always adds if you wish, like…
How to limit authors to their own posts in WordPress admin
If you have a multi-user blog you maybe have this problem that the authors can see all the…
Disable payment gateways based on country from woocommerce
Disable payment gateways based on country is a task that must do any commerce to sell in many…
How to Clear Cache on WordPress
In a project, we needed to clear all cache while saving a custom post type, but how we…
Send PHP variables to JS in WordPress
We are going to show the correct form of send PHP variables to JS in a WordPress and…
Set a minimum order in Woocommerce 3.2.x
Sometimes it does not make sense that the shipping cost is greater than the total shopping cart, so…
Customize the view of the price range in Woocommerce 3.2.x
Many times when customizing a variable product we have found that Woocommerce paints the price range from the…